Day 7 - Sick

I'm sick.💀. Don't worry, its just a little fever and weakness.
Actually not little, I can't type at the same speed, I can't eat much, I can't even stare at my laptop screen for too long, otherwise my eyes start to burn.
Yesterday I was fine, but last night I started to feel a little soreness in my throat. I knew it was viral.
As usual I woke up today, and went to the marathon commitee office, getting the day started. Suddenly I start feeling dizzy, my body temperature rises and I get really weak.
This happens to me every year, atleast once. The exact same thing, at the exact same time.
I've learnt to cope with it though. At this time, the weather is mixed, there's alot of sun, but the wind is really cold and I guess my body gets confused.
It doesn't trouble me much, but it's irritating. I hate being sick, and who doesn't.
All my activities are on hold, I don't talk much, and during this period I talk even less.
So there's this wedding tomorrow, and me and a couple of my friends are invited. I was really looking forward to it, but now that I'm sick, I probably won't be able to go.
Rambling on about being sick, isn't going to fix it.
The truth is, my mom and both my sister's have been sick for about a week now, and it's just frustrating. We can't function properly and it's irritating.
I have been feeling better, went to see the doctor and he gave me some pills.
My left shoulder also hurts sometimes, he gave me some medication for that too.
I'm gonna have to cut the blog short today.
Today was basically just me having an off day, and I didn't even want to put this up.
I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with a better blog but till then, thanks for reading.
A like comment and share is always appreciated.
Much love!
