Day 3 - Lucky

Today was a bad day, the worst. But it could have been even worse if it wasn't for my luck.
I got my results, and they were great. As expected. I got the results I worked for and that was that.
Now I have this entire day to look forward to. Today was a friend's birthday, and the party was supposed to be straight after college. I had a function to attend in the evening and so that slot was booked.
Long story short, the function gets cancelled and the party gets postponed. The party gets postponed in the evening. I'm like, OK, cool, things worked out, no function, and I still get to go to the party.
Now, my anxiety kicks in, for no damn reason, I just start feeling down, and I keep crossing myself in the head, wether I should go to the party or not. I get a call from a friend and he asks me the same thing, if I'm coming or not. I lie to him, and tell him that I have to attend a function. This was around 6:00 in the evening. Now, I take a little nap, and wake up around 7. I'm feeling fine, and I re-think wether I should go to the party or not.
Eventually I decided to go. I get ready and leave. Now at this point, everything's fine. A bit of anxiety in the day, is just the norm.
I leave the house, and I'm on my way. Halfway to my destination, I get into an accident. I'm on my 2 wheeler, and in front of me, there's this car. We're both doing around 40-50 kph. Now my 2 wheeler isn't that sturdy. It's actually, a piece of junk, and I've been using for the past 6 years. There's no real grip in the front or back tires and if you decide to break at the speed at which I was going, you're doomed.
It had been raining for like the whole day, and the streets were all wet. The car decides to just stop, it just stops. At 45 kph, the dumbass just decides to break. Me, being behind him, had to break too. So I do that, and what happens, I slip.
I slip, and slide for about 5 feet and there's no collision between me and the car, but he's already gone. I'm sat there on the ground, looking like an idiot, who doesn't know how to drive.
I pick myself up, get my shit together, make sure all my belongings are fine, and get the hell out of there.
My hoodie, it's all muddy because of the road, luckily the expensive shirt I decided to wear at this party, wasn't ruined. My jeans, ruined.
When you get in an accident, you have a rush, an adrenaline rush. You don't feel anything for a few minutes. Eventually when you manage to gather yourself, you're body realises where it's been damaged, and you start to feel all the pain at once, afterwards.
One of my knees was scraped, my elbow was bruised, and I had no sensation, in my left shoulder.
I drive back home, in the rain, and explain all this shit, to my parents. If you're parents love you, at this point, they would want to kill you. I explained everything, and my mum yelled and shouted at me pretty hard. It was her love that was talking, and she wasn't pissed, she was sad.
I was lucky today, or maybe not so much. If I hadn't decided to go to the party, maybe this would've never happened. But everything happens for a reason, and maybe I paid for something I did a long time ago. Who knows.
I'm lucky that I didn't die, I'm lucky that I have parents who love me no matter what and I'm lucky that I can write this all down, and share it with everyone I don't know.
There's a reason I don't show this blog to my friends. Everyone judges everyone, but if they don't understand why you do what you do, then there's no point.
Don't get my wrong, I'm lucky to have the friends I have, and they're amazing. There are just some things I'd want to tell everyone but I can't, and this is how I do it.
Today is history, and tomorrow's a mystery. For the first time, in ages, something like this hasn't brought me down. I feel motivated. I know, it's weird, but that's just how my head works. Sometimes I appreciate everything in my life, even the worst of it, and sometimes, I hate everyone, everything in existence.
I'm just lucky, is all I'm saying. I'm happy.
Thank you to everyone who's reading, it means a lot. Nothing is planned in life, and that's how my blog works. I just type what happens to me everyday, to keep a record for myself, and to share it to all of you.
A like, comment, share is always appreciated. Love.
Tomorrow is Day 4. Who knows what will happen.
